t vago:
Yep totally agree. The temptation is of course once having gone to the trouble to mod the ride to get the extra power is the opportunity to use it!
The shorthand reply from Old Tele Man says: Economy is the inverse of power.
If you chase one then the other is not usually achievable.
Here the focus is mainly about economy and power is not thought of as being as important even though there are a few who can build engines providing that is there is a need.
From a personal point I find there is as much of a challenge in going the economy route as there is in the power route.
Maybe the reason is I have been down the power build route already back in the day with carbs , distributors and all that.
There is another similar board which does have a dedicated power mods section:
GasSavers.org - Fuel Efficiency, Save Gas and Gas Mileage Forum
and some of the posters here also show up there.