Most people don't apply nearly enough pressure when applying anything that is adhesive-backed.
I agree - not to mention properly cleaning or scuffing the surface
and not all adhesives are the same
cheap velcro adhesive is going to melt in the heat and get nasty on you no matter what you do
but there is better stuff out there
3M has what they call VHB - it is an adhesive tape (not sure it is available to public or not)
some OEMs hold commercial truck trim pieces on with it
My experience is it will hold at +600 mph - very impressive stuff
...but if you want it to work 100% you have to clean/scuff/roll and then it needs at least a few hours at room temp to really get up to a full bond
same is true of most adhesive tapes
one last note if you are only using adhesives to hold something on (like velcro)
you have to be careful about solvents and contamination
it would be sad to loose your custom fender skirt because gas got on the adhesive and dissolved some of it