Originally Posted by Matt Herring
Here's a pic of my front grill slots...they are very narrow as well. This is the slots with the foam pipe insulation in them. Total cost was $3 from Home Depot...probably saved me 10-15 mpg during my first 5 minutes of driving until my engine was up to temp.
Last time I checked, foam pipe insulation is really expensive! I wanted to buy some for the house I'm renting but I was very put off by the cost. Maybe I can find a cheaper equivalent elsewhere in a dollar store or something.
Here's a snap of the front of my car. I think I might start with completely covering the whole of the bottom grill plus the blanks where the optional foglights would have been installed (the recessed parts immediately to the left and right of the lower grill) as that is acting as an air scoop. But first, I'll have to check with some people whether covering that up completely will cause airflow problems for the intercooler. The V part in the upper grille that holds the logo would be a pain to cover up, unfortunately, but I don't think it'd be a hot idea to cover up the upper grille anyway. But yes, my car takes 10 minutes to warm up and in city traffic that'd be a fuel drain and if the thermostat is working fine, I'll have to cover up some of the grille.