Originally Posted by arcosine
G1 insights are fragile, I cracked the windshield brushing snow off, and the axle snapped, cant let it sit or the battery goes bad.
Axle is a valid criticism. In the salt belt they tend to rust where the stabilizer/balancer is because it collects and holds salt. OTOH, most people don't bother to undercoat Insights because most things are aluminum, so steel parts suffer doubly. In areas where it isn't bathed in salt year after year, snapped axles are not a thing.
Battery self-discharges when sitting but is not damaged. If left for multiple months, the big battery should be grid charged before using.
I've never heard of anyone cracking a windshield before. I don't think the glass is different than in any other car.
Insight and VX get my vote. Honda Insight has a ton of great mounting points for an improved belly pan, responds well to grille blocks and WAI, and has a lot of great options for EoC. Due to absurdly high fuel economy, even small changes have big impacts on numbers.