OK, finally got some free time and nice weather to shoot a photo session
My city bike, a 2005 Jamis Coda. I take it when I go riding in the city, and only when weather permits (dry and not too cold). The tires are too skinny to go off-road, but on pavement they
fly. If I ever get a speeding ticket, it'll be on this bike. My Step-Dad calls it the
Blue Death Star.
This is my everything bike, a 1996 Trek 850. Replaced almost everything during its 14 years of service. I use it for local errands, year round (yes, the chain is orange from salt rust), carrying up to 50kg of cargo, but also recreational rides like chasing the Wife in the forest (she's fast) or long, multiday bike trips. Below is at the train station in Suwałki in July 2009, at the beginning of our 5-day camping tour of the beautiful northeast corner of Poland.