Originally Posted by RedDevil
While the car locks the cable at the car side the charging point locks it at the charger side - or it doesn't like the one at my office that you can just unplug at any time.
But even the charger that 'bricked' the I3 would have released the cable when the charge failed - if it had detected it was locked; apparently the switch that senses the lock position failed.
This could only happen for that faulty switch in the charger AND the charger not having a failback mechanism for it AND the car not having a timeout on retrying to charge even when the 12V battery runs low.
This stuff is great to know now, before I install one. It is so hard to think of everything when I am planning an EV conversion, and I still end up having to go back to change things later because of stuff that I did not think of in advance. I can see that there will need to be a lot of planning if I install one of these J plugs. Threads like this one play a big part in my builds.