Originally Posted by LUVMY02CREW

I really like reading about good mpg's from trucks.
Leading by example, what this forum seems to be great at!
ino, i drive a late 90's truck and am getting better mileage, my last tank, my first one with moderate eoc and p/g and got 32 mpg

, before i did that i managed to get 25-26 with slow starts and stuff, 21 before and i didn't accelerate very fast and my 32 mpg is better than many people get with their corollas or other compact.
I can't convert my brother though he is a huge speed racer, gets out onto the road and slams on the gas because it is "safer for his car and himself" and gets up to 55 mph just to slam on the brake immediately at the stop sign (i only get up to 25-30 mph) gets up to 75 mph while still on the onramp to the highway (i only go 50-55 on the highway


, i am thinking about getting a sg and hiding it in his car to see what he gets, i guarantee you he doesn't get 32 mpg.