I believe Craig Vetter had said Terry Hershner doubled his range with the addition of Craigs nose and tail.Your going to have to build a tail to get the 40 plus gain,but the nose is the hard part,the tail is pretty easy to build He was going about 2 hours and 150 miles between charging on his cross country run,amazing.Aerodynamics are all about the shape,you can have a small frontal area,with a high cd.Craig's nose kit has worked pretty good on a few bikes,Craigs friend Alan's 250cc Kawasaki doubled his fuel mileage with the nose and tail.Who makes it,Shultz? If it has been tested on his or another bike,you could achieve close to the same with a tail.Good luck
Last edited by godscountry; 05-12-2014 at 03:00 PM..