2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut. lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.
For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.
The Following User Says Thank You to RedDevil For This Useful Post:
An aerodynamic vehicle with a small diesel engine and long gearbox has been possible for decades now.
A 1999 VW Lupo 3L can beat 3,0 L/100 km (78 mpg) pretty easy with its 1.2 TDi engine.
If you swapped a Smart Roadster with the Smart ForTwo 0.8 CDI engine, you'd have an absurdly fuel efficent as well as fun car (if it wasn't for that god awfull gearbox).
The Following User Says Thank You to Autobahnschleicher For This Useful Post:
48:14 “Why do we permit automobiles that get 15-25mpg, when the technology exists for automobiles to get 60-100mpg?” - Carl Sagan 2/9/90.
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Conspicuous consumption
Conspicuous consumption is the spending of money on and the acquiring of luxury goods and services to publicly display the economic power of the income or of the accumulated wealth of the buyer. To the conspicuous consumer, such a public display of discretionary economic power is a means of either attaining or maintaining a given social status.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to freebeard For This Useful Post:
Thanks for fixing my video! Summary of OP video: it’s a keynote address expounding on a 4 step call to action on Global Warming, briefly outlined here:
Sprinkled in with anecdotes from Greek mythology humorously used to good natured-ly poke fun at modern policies, as well as some space explorative studies, and specifically of our closest neighbors, Venus and Mars, and it’s related implications here on Earth.
Carl Sagan’s 4 step call to action:
1. Why not cars that get 70mpg, instead of 25.
We can do better today. Top 3 non-diesel gas cars reliably capable of 100+ mpg: 4th Gen Toyota Prius, Prius Prime, RAV4 Prime.
2. Alternative energy like solar & wind.
3. Reforestation on a grand scale.
4. Helping to bring the billion poorest people on the planet to self sufficiency, which is the key step in curbing world population growth.
Last edited by Galvatron1; 05-17-2021 at 05:18 PM..
The Following User Says Thank You to Galvatron1 For This Useful Post:
I won't click on links unless there's some explanation of what it is.
Every click-bait tactic is some form of "You won't believe what happened!"
There's no reason to click on such things. I have no idea what technology is being discussed here.
Originally Posted by Frank Lee
^That's basically it.
That's not basically it; not anywhere near it. That's an explanation, not the only one.
Why does my motorcycle only get 40 MPG when it could get 100? I want a fast one, that's why. It has nothing to do with being conspicuously seen spending more money on gasoline just because I can.
That's just one alternate explanation among thousands.