Originally Posted by AndrzejM
Nice ride!
Yes you're right last "canadian" version is 0.82 but I'm using 0.81 right now with few mods. As soon as I'll finish all mods I want to publish my code here.
It was sunny and warm when I was in BP... But all the way from Poland it was like middle of January with lots of snow
To continue here
So, I've uploaded the 0.82, will install it into the car next weekend.
t looks ok, but allready have a question: how can I disable the alternating 999 MPG? I don't need it
Saidly I'm to "amator" to modify the code, but got some ideas:
-remaining KM, and alert below 80 Km (adding a beeper maybe?
-time measure, all travel time, and all travel avg. speed
-remove the zeros!!! So display only one zero instand of 000.00
-display rmp?
ps:I'm stared learning Arduino