Originally Posted by JasonG
There was a recent thread here about how car manufactuers used to post their cd #s.
Now it seems they stopped caring.
That's essentially Hucho's idea as well.
Reduzierung des Luftwiderstandes - volle Wirkung erst mit regenerativem Bremsen
While European manufacturers do care about aero, they still play it on the very safe side, and use solutions for small(er) problem areas while largely overlooking the big issues (rear end, likely due to (perceived) lack of market acceptance.
A case in point being the BMW air curtain for the front wheels.
Lots of detail aero solutions are made only to special series (Volvo DrivE / VW Blue Motion) instead of being standard on all vehicles.
Hucho blames this on the NEDC, which runs at an average of only 32.5 km/h / 20mph.
Less aero drag, means less energy needed to get about in the first place, but it also means more electric regeneration can be used for braking (unless you go coasting, which many won't do).