Originally Posted by Formula413
The employees would become the management. As the shareholders they could hire their own board of directors and choose people who would move the company in a more sustainable direction. Not to mention that instead of the give and take of management fighting for higher profits vs unions fighting for higher wages the employee's wages would be directly tied to profits. They would have a direct stake in the success of the company.
I like this idea the more I think about it. It might finally be the end of GM's attitude problems from the top-down. They need to sell off "Renaissance Place" in Detroit (it's just a huge, mostly empty -- how should I put it, compensation for something

). Get a clean-slate Board and get to work. If the employees control their benefits, maybe the Union wouldn't have to get involved as often.
As for the other 2, Ford has actually has a plan for some small cars and a pile of cash. Chrysler can give up on all but Jeep and the Minivan line (everything needs a makeover to get the Daimler out of them). Maybe the truck division can stay if they offer stripped-down 6-cylinder, stick-shift models with steel wheels. That sort of thing.