1991 Toyota DLX 4WD specs
here are some quanta for VMAN455's pickup:
* inline 4-cyl. 2.4-liters
* 116-bhp @ 4,800 rpm
* 140 lb-ft torque @ 2,800 rpm
* Manual 5-speed plus transfer case, aux driveshaft and aux differential
* Driveline mechanical efficiency approx. 88.35%
* final drive ratio, 4.1673:1 ratio
* 20.1942-mph / 1,000 rpm ( if 2,800 rpm = 91-km/h )
* Tires, 225/75 R-15
* 712.97 revolutions / mile
* Top speed approx. 77.54-mph ( gear-limited at 80% power setting )
* Approx. delta- 123-rpm excursion during testing ( 4.39% of peak-torque rpm range )
* Approx. 25.719 square-feet projected frontal area ( 83% of gross )
* Coefficient of aerodynamic drag ( above 2WD's published Cd 0.44 )
* Curb weight, 3345-lb
* EPA test weight, 3635-lb
* GVWR, 5350-lb
* EPA 20 mpg HWY rating ( during National 55-MPH National Speed Limit )
* 22.2-mpg reported
* 17.2-gallons fuel capacity
* 381.8-miles HWY range to fuel starvation as reported
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Last edited by aerohead; 05-01-2023 at 01:01 PM..
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