I found this;
Only Castrol EDGE passes The Maximum Endurance Test | Castrol EDGE
it says that a vehicle was driven for 148 hours at top speed, spent 13650 liters of fuel, 4 sets of tyres, but only 1 Oil (Castrol Edge).
Lets calculate; 148 x 150 miles/h = 22200 Miles driven
148 hours x 60 minutes = 8880 minutes x 5500 RPM = 48.840.000 Engine Revolutions in total.
This vehicle was driven under extreme conditions, it spent 4 sets of tyres during 148 hours. Did 48.840.000 Revolutions at top speed. Spent 13650 liters of fuel.
My car would spend this amount of fuel for about 8 years.
My car spends around 6.5 liters average per 100 km.
My average engine revs per minute would be around 1900.
Average speed within a year would be around 50 km/h.
Maximum speed that i drive is around 130 km/h rarely
Top revs of teh engine would be around 3700 rpm rarely and shortly
I drive about 480 Hours a Year. Total km 24000/50km/h=480 hours.
Considering the extreme conditions of driving the engine and the oil suffers severe punishment. Engine wear is at highest point, engine stress too, sensors and parts also suffer severe punishment, oil operates under extreme condititions.
They didn't mention if the engine broke down as a result of oil-breakdown or severe driving conditions.
Considering these facts mentioned above i can safely drive the car without changing the oil for decades.
Thank you very much for your attention.