Quite a few of you will know I produce a Manual IMA control device (IMAC&C) for the G1 Insight which is available in the UK/Europe.
However I now also produce a much smaller and simpler device for the HCH1 Civic Hybrid which is available worldwide and allows manual control of assist or regen and has some new IMA battery protection features.
Manual IMA control can help you eke out the charge to your best advantage and adds another fun dimension to driving the car.

It can give you a significant mpg boost as you can keep in lean burn longer and use an extra bit of assist to get over a hill rather than dropping out of LB by pressing the throttle.
You can cycle the battery up and down between the MCM limits by commanding assist or regen to overide the car's commands. So you can use assist until the battery is exhausted, then use regen until it's full again and rinse and repeat if desired. Exercisng the battery like this especially when combined with grid charging could get you some capacity back.
The new (This week) battery protection features allow you to restrict charge or discharge current levels if you want to help prevent/reduce a tired battery suffering codes or failing all together.
Anyway there is a long thread about the development of the device on Insight Central and a few other bits and bobs like optional steering wheel mounted buttons to control the device if you want.
Imac&c hch1 civic - Insight Central: Honda Insight Forum
HCH1 IMAC&C Steering Wheel Buttons - Insight Central: Honda Insight Forum
There are quite a few YT videos on my profile about the device and construction/assembly/use. Schematics and pics abound in the threads on IC. Search for "retepsnikrep hch1" on YT for the relevant videos.
$50 gets you the blank pcb and software to build your own.
$150 gets you a ready built/cased tested version and software.
Future software updates are FOC

I charge for the system in order to fund further research into the cars and to help develop further gadgets, I'm not living on a tropical island siping cocktails on the proceeds unfortunately. Generally I buy extra test equipment with the monies. I think I have about 20 pcb's available if anyone want's one.
The installation is a doodle and only reqs 4 wires to be spliced into at the ECM behind the glove box on connector E. That's a 15 minute job. No rooting around in the IMA area behind the rear seats is reqd.
If you have any questions have a read of the threads and look at my videos, anything that isn't covered then fire away.
Have a good xmas.
PS I'm also working on my OBDIIC&C device to properly integrate with the HCH1, at the moment I do have some software running which gives the IMA/ECM basics and has the lean burn indicator etc.