hello everyone.
over the last year Ive been looking at Ev sites like they are going out of style..lol however i did not realize how big the community actually is towards this. and being that I have been on this site most reading alot of posts..this is the first Forum of this type i joined.
I am not new to internet forums I am on a few Costume fourms, cause, well..Im an FX artist..I build costumes and other things for a living including camera equipment for film. using Dc motors and roboteq controllers and so on, along with other animatronic parts like linear actuators, slide, servers, etc.
My main trade is Sculpting and, so over the years have used alot of plastic resins, fiberglass, silicones for molding, polyurethane foams etc.
but now I need something bigger to work on, so one day about a year ago i was looking at some cool Concept cars, bikes and trike designs, and i was like, ya thats cool i gotta make one of those.. but there is so much info I dont know where to start...lol or I should say not shure what design I want to go with.
Ive been looking at some designs like the Peugeot RD and the 888 and many other sites and decided to draw up my own soon and start collecting things like the batterys, motor, controles .and all that other fun stuff.
Anyway..Tring to keep this somewhat short..Im sure as a newbe here ill ask some questions im sure you've answered a millon times over, but I hope if in anyway I can help with anything Just LMK.
My work on on
Kre8-FX - the works of Pete Mander and im in ontario canada about 15 min from niagara falls
And thanks everyone for all your info on this site its been very helpful..hopefully by the end of summer ill have some kind of wacked out space mobile ready to roll