lunarhighway -
Originally Posted by lunarhighway
looks nice!
however why not try a different material than sheet metal.
perhaps you could make a sturdy mold out of carboard and give it some compound curves, cover it wil filler and sand really smooth and than heatform a piece of plastic over it or perhaps carefull happer the metal into shape over it
ideally you could vacuum form a large sheet, but perhaps carefull heating a suitable piece of plastic in the right areas with a lighter and than pressing in on the mold will eventually produce a perfect shape.
than again the extra effort might not make much impact over you'r design, wich looks very nice, and matches the car well...when painted it'll really rub shoulders with expensive aftermarket mirrors in the looks department.
You could also go on a quest for "the perfect plastic funnel". If you find one that fits, cut it in half and mount it to the car. If you could find one in black (or red to match the car), you wouldn't even have to paint it.
But, from what I see, I think the metal one could turn out fine.