Originally Posted by CigaR007
People get pissed at me when I do that. They don't seem to understand the concept behind it.
Maybe too big of a buffer, or too slow of a speed. Or maybe the other driver just has tunnel vision. It can be hard to buffer driver in certain jams. In strict bumper to bumper where it literally moves one car at a time, there's always Wayne Gerdes method of only moving up every 2nd car length if nobody minds or notices.
I find that other drivers tend to have thresholds. For example, if I'm doing 45 in a 45, a car may come up on me and
seem ready to pass - but they won't do it. But if I begin to bleed off speed (hill, red light ahead, etc.) that same driver may decide to make that move. It's funny. People will sometimes settle for sub-ideal conditions (maybe that driver would've done 48 or 50mph if I wasn't there) in order to avoid making a pass. Drivers' tolerances to buffers are probably the same. But hey, if you were a semi they wouldn't have sufficient field of view to even see what was going on ahead!
But back on buffers, you're right. Most drivers are convinced that the extra space ahead of you means lost time - even though you may be technically keeping pace with the car ahead, and may only be a few seconds behind.