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Old 10-12-2020, 11:54 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Pope Pious the Prius - '13 Toyota Prius Two
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90 day: 51.62 mpg (US)

Tycho the Truck - '91 Toyota Pickup DLX 4WD
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Difference in displayed vs measured MPG: Statistical Analysis

In the garage, I have recorded the MPG displayed on the factory gauge for almost every fillup. Leaving out the two I missed, there are 178 fills with these data. Since I'm taking a statistics course this semester, I thought it would be fun to run a simple analysis. Here's what I found:

Using the quartile method to identify outliers, I removed two data: the two times when the factory display underestimated calculated MPG. The remaining 176 fills chart nicely into a normal curve.

Median = 3.0 MPG difference
Mean = 3.04 MPG difference

Percent difference shows an even clearer normal curve, and again median and mean are very close to each other.

Median = 5.58% difference
Mean = 5.563% difference

UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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