Originally Posted by extragoode
Do you know which protocol your Saturn uses? The compatibility chart linked to on there site says my nissan uses an ISO 9141-2 or something like that. I'm going to do some more research before I believe them, but wouldn't be suprised if it works somewhat differently with different protocols. Does that make sense?
It makes a lot of sense. Also, it might be something to do with my PC configuration. I have this one (the one for GM products) :
ElmScan VPW Scan Tool - P/N: 420300
The ElmScan VPW Scan Tool comes mounted in a steel enclosure and can be used with our free software to turn your computer into a sophisticated auto diagnostic system. This interface supports the J1850 VPW protocol used mostly in General Motors vehicles.
I suspect that because I am a Saturn, I am a little different from the protocol POV. But, since the ScanGauge "just works", I was expecting the Elmscan to "just work" also, so I was miffed.
If I had the time (doctor, if he has the time), I would dig into it and write my own customized datalogging interface.