Originally Posted by kafer65
I found that my timing isn't advancing enough and my static timing was at 7-8 BTDC. When I leanind it out a 1/4 turn and changed my static timing to 10 and raised my idle just a smidge it seemed to be better. I'm going to set it to 12 static and see if I can lean it a hair more. I think it was only advancing to about 35 total. Its off of ther measured scale. I'll have to find a way to scale it out to see. I did some measuring this weekend on the camper taper. Hopefully, I'll find some time to put the scaffolding together for the roof section at least.
If you get back into the carb,make sure there is no leakage around the needle and seat seal.If the seal is breached you won't be able to maintain the float level and fuel will overflow into the venturi from the bowl vent.
Once your under load,the fuel use will kind if runaway from the ability to flood,but once you're back at idle,it will overwhelm the float.
I fought this for a week with my CRX before I figured it out.