Originally Posted by mikeyjd
that would be quite the increase lol. 75mpg on 35 gallons would be 2625 miles  In order to break the unofficial world record for one tank (2,254.5 miles) he would need to hit 64.5mpg. I think this would take perfect weather conditions and probably more modifications since his best trip was 68mpg. If anyone can do it though it's probably DD.
65 MPG probably isn't too far off with what Diesel Dave has planned. I wonder what's in store?
If he can get such high MPG in a truck I imagine he'd be able to get 30+ MPG out of a car such as a 1996 Roadmaster Wagon (Stock photo):
Well, It's a gas car. But still - I can get 30 MPG HWY in my Dad's 2000 Caravan without as many mods as Dave has done to his truck and the Roadmaster has faster acceleration.
EDIT: "I can get 30 MPG HWY In my Dad's caravan"; Yes, With wonky readings as according to what I said here back when I posted it. I haven't gone above 27 in a whole tank yet, But I do believe I can get more than 30 in the caravan.