Driveway Opportunity Park Quandry
Hey All
Have a question. My driveway has a fairly decent slope to it - but is about 2 carlengths long. I have been EOC'ing down the block, into the driveway and up to the place where i park the car - sometimes make it all the way up - sometimes only part way up depenging on speed.
In the morning i EOC out the drive way into the street - then key start and drive off.
Pondering if it would be better to do the following...
when i come home ( hot engine) EOC just past the driveway key on and reverce up the driveway allowing me to EOC out the dirveway and key on so i can start with car moving instead of from a stop.
So i am tradeing off my EOC to a stop + cold keystart from a stop
Keystart Hot and reverse up driveway + cold keystart with car already in motion.
I will set up a spreadsheet where i can log some SG data to see what is better. I have a feeling the error in readings will cause this to not be any noticable change - but with 260 work days a year - a little change could add up.
Am i killing myself with data here - or is this worth experimenting with?
Steve - AKA Doofus McFancypants
"If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line - But it better work this time"
 First Milestone passed - 30 MPG (city) 5/15/08
Best City Tank - 8/31/09- 34.3 MPG (EPA= 20)
Best Highway Tank - 5/20/09 - 36.5 MPG (EPA= 28)
In effort to drive less:
Miles NOT driven in 2009 = 648 (Work from home and Alt Transporatation)