Hey all. I've decided to start a mod thread for my 2000 Echo winter beater. I know it won't be as inspiring as some of the build threads here but hopefully there will be something that may be helpful to others looking for ideas. This car is a short trip city commuter that almost never sees the highway. I doubt it has seen more than 50 miles of highway since I brought it home six months ago. I started looking for ideas on this thread last fall.
As usual I got some helpful advice. Since we have some pretty cold winter weather and all my trips are short (1-5 miles) My focus to start was keeping it warm. I use the block heater whenever possible. I've been able to plug in at work too so that has helped mileage a lot. Nevertheless, below 0 F everything gets pretty stiff and it doesn't coast well at all.
What's been done so far:
Changed oil to 0w20
Changed transmission fluid to GM Syncromesh fluid.
Built a front belly pan with reflective foil liner (pic in other thread)
Installed my Scangauge on the steering column.

Built a windshield cover and cover my mirrors with freezer bags. (This is actually an eco mod because it reduces the need for my heater so warmup times are reduced and windows stay clear better because snow is kept out of the vents)

Interior car warmer. (Eco and safety mod for the same reasons as above. It's scary when your in heavy traffic and can't see. Heater is useless for the first mile or two)

Built full grill block with one sliding section for the warmer days.

Added insulation to hood (pics on other thread)
Added insulation around engine bay.

Installed kill switch.
Installed DRL disable switch.
Also had to replace front lower control arms. (Not an eco mod but necessary)
Replaced my MAF sensor to correct a lean burn code. It runs better now and the code is gone but I think it actually hurt my mileage