elhigh: Thank you for explanation.
Today i was driving car form my work. I tried EOC first time in long downhill grade road ~ 2.5km. Was great for EOC test.
I take 70km/h and then shutdown engine with key to 0 position.
Immediately i turned key in position 1 - "be ready".
When i tried braking, the brake pedals worked fine. I don't know if was vacuum reservoir or something else, but worked. I'm happy with that.
I coasted 2.5 km without engine on...
The next problem is little complicated.
I coasting without lights or with parking lights - the small lights (2x5w) in headlights. Looks better than without lights. With headlights on and engine off i don't wanna risk my battery life.
The idea DRL is very interesting for me. I thinking about it.
The only big minus is the price. 150 Eur for 2 lights with certificate for car :-( (Hella)
I will thinking about it