the motor is still on internet i do not owe it.

After some thinking I decided that for start I will go for an electric bicycle. Mostly to experience how much energy it will really take to roll from A-B, and also to convice my other half that putting money into a bit more powerful vehicle will envetually return.
So for now I'm looking for a power steering motor (anyone has an idea what would be it's usual power and RPM??). I already found batteries that should do the trick, and the costs are not that alarimngly high. It will be an experiment.
later I beleive I'll get a used palet-lift. (or what's the name of those little carts, people use in department stores to move the stuff around) This way I'll be able to lay my hands on batteries, centrolling electrics and a 2kw-ish pump motor. I saw a 4.5kw pump motor on internet, but to feed it on my daily 30km round trip, it would need a huge battery pack.

But if I'll be lucky and I find a bigger palet-mover... (i had some luck working with one, which was a normal forklift, with the operator walking behind. that might have a bigger motor in it... 3kw would be great. )