Originally Posted by cfg83
Tygen1 -
I *really* respect your accomplishment because I also judge myself on the 90 day scale.
Is there one thing that put you "over the top", so to speak?
Looking back, I would not say "One" thing put it over the top...except what was mentioned earlier that pushed me over the 50mpg threshold. I've worked hard at taking out as many stop signs and lights from my commute and spending a greater percentage of it on the highway and I have modded the car to get the best possible highway mpg's, because I'm at a large disadvantage in city driving with an ATX. The ATX ZX2 is geared higher than the MTX, so it can do better on the highway, and I keep my speed down to the 50-55mph range. Aeromods are key on the highway and I have modified my car to run a lean 17:1 AFR on the highway, that's the only way to get this sort of mpg out of this car. The LRR tires, deletes, and Zero Toe have greatly helped in runing leaner than I could before. I used to run down the road at a 52-53 LOD getting instant mpg readings around the mid 60's. Now I run down the road at a 46-48 LOD seeing mid 70's on the instant reading. RE-92's are an amazing tire and I would highly recomend them to any serious Ecomodder.
So to sum it up: Route Planning, Low Speed, Aeromods, Lean, and LRR are the heavy hitters on my mod list, but the sum of all the little things help as well.
Keep in mind that it has taken two and half years to make this happen