Finally fixed my intermittant speedometer/odometer problem
For the past half year I've been battling an intermittent problem on the aerocivic where the speedometer/odometer would stop working. On any trip it might drop out for a fractions of seconds many times during the drive, it might drop out for part to all of a trip, or might work fine during that trip. It seemed to be more likely to drop out during cold weather. But while it was dropped out, the SuperMID's odometer worked fine (which picks its signal at the ECU and which I started using to calculate my mileage once I discovered the problem), so the problem was either in the speedo cluster or in the wiring between the ECU and the speedo. I tried coating all of the external connectors and the interboard connector pins with conductive grease (which proved very successful at fixing connector continuity problems in the past) and reheated the solder joints on the connectors with no success. A 3X visual inspection of the back of the circuit board revealed no bad solder joints, but once I reheated every solder joint on the back of the board, the problem was fixed.