MetroMPG, you're right to remind a newbie not to try things that might compromise awareness and safety. As it is, I already have quite a bit of practice with EOC. Palemelanesian's right that the loss of power steering doesn't affect the Civic much, and I know how much brake pressure I have on reserve once the engine's shut off. The last 1/2 mile to work is all down hill, with 1 right and 1 left turn but no stops, and I routinely key-off for this period.
I do have a friend who, after I showed him EOC, was with another friend and wanted to demonstrate not only keyed-off but, for dramatic flair, removed the key from the ignition switch—around a corner!

He was able to stop but did put one wheel on the curb. Needless to say I chastised him, as did the wife of his passenger.