Welllllllllll, I screwed up.

Yesterday I went to start my car and it cranked but never fired. My wife took me to work and I got a ride home from a coworker. I spent the night working on the car trying to figure out what the heck went wrong while I was working on it... Finally at 9:30 I checked the area where I had been working (huge duh) and found this. That part of the loom was resting against an area where I had welded...
It was a mess all melted together. So I slowly pulled each wire apart. Thankfully, only one was actually broken. So, I soldered it back together.
I then grabbed my roll of electrical tape and went to work repairing the insulation around the rest of the wires.
Lastly, I re-bundled the mess of wires with more tape.
The Metro is alive once again. Hurray.