I am trying to rack my brain of a less anoying way to kill the engine for EOC. Currently it's set up like this. Turn key to off "BEEP!>>>BEEP!>>>BEEP!"; after 5 seconds, turn to run "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP"!
It's freakin loud and terribly anoying.
So, (sigh) this is what I was thinking...
1. going to the engine fuse
2. remove fuse and run a set of wires, one on each side of the empty socket
3. run wires to a simple switch located where ever is most conveniant.
4. run an inline fuse (to replace the old one) so as not to expose the circuit.
5. Simply hit the toggle switch for a couple seconds and then flip is back.
What I am worried about is whether that would be hard on the engine/computer to use this method. What am i not thinking of?