I may take the cake with the number of Geos I currently own, but it's one in particular I am having trouble with: My current daily is a 92 convertible, auto. You guys should know all the specs hands down: 3-cyl, G10, etc., etc.
Lately, my little baby has been running a little sluggish.

The symptoms started very suddenly: drastically reduced performance, struggling to acquire speed from red lights, complete inability to reach highway speeds, let alone hitting 35 in a 35 mph zone.
From previous Geos, I knew that the EGR valve was very prone to getting clogged. I removed the little bugger, scraped out as much of the carbon as I could, replaced the gasket and the whole nine yards. Took it for a spin the same day out on the highway, and no problems reaching 65 and 70.
That was yesterday. Wasn't there a song by that title?
Anyways, similar story, different day (SSDD). While not as bad as previous symptoms, the car still seems to struggle to reach speeds. Before, I was quite impressed at how fast I could jackrabbit start out and leave the guy behind me in the dust. I know, I know, jackrabbit starts are detrimental to ones' fuel economy.
What else can I check before I **gasp** take it to a "mechanic"??? Cat converter? Sensors? I am talking about stuff an average Joe can do with average tools. I have absolutely no way to check compression, and wouldn't know how to even if I did have the equipment.
None of the dash indicators are lit- not even the dreaded check-engine light. Yet, something tells me she just ain't what she used to be, and it's got me annoyed.
Some more things I've noticed: The car seems to run perfect when I first start out for the day. I use the little beast to deliver pizzas PT, and I don't notice anything really wrong until maybe 1/2 way through a 5-hour shift. The car seems to take longer to reach "cruising" in-town speeds, seems to gradually take longer to accelerate, and my mpg seems to be rock bottom, although haven't yet computed it for a shift yet. Seems I may drive maybe 40 - 50 miles per shift, and I am using nearly 1/2 a tank to do so, so what's that equal out to? Something like 10 - 20 mpg, when I should be getting closer to 30 in town.
Any ideas? Something's ailing her... just WHAT???

Haven't yet checked the Cat converter. Everyone knows what the cat seller is gonna say: "Yup, she's bad. Gotta be replaced. When you do wanna set up an appt?" No matter what it is you take your car in for to be checked, the mechanic is pretty much gonna say it's bad and has to be replaced.
Sluggish in Cincinnati