For the most of these days cars the mirror itself is glued on a plastic part on a sphere joint to adjust it's angle, all placed inside in a more or less aerodynamic housing.
Normally between the mirror and housing there is a gap. I wonder what benefit one can have if in the front of the mirror housing in an area of maximum pressure, an opening with the same area (or more) as the total gap on mirror side. Do the circulation of air inside the mirror will help to reduce the mirror drag ? The increased velocity of the air inside the mirror housing (inlet area bigger that outlet area) + some vortex generators placed in the same gap will have an positive effect ?
I wish I could place a sketch, because a picture is more than a thousand words (in engineering :P ) but the rules of this forum force me first to talk.
My car is diesel, I have no board computer and the scan gauge is not working for me so I cannot perform any tests to see if any benefit, so if one of you had already tested or have info regarding the concept or is able to test, some feed back will be appreciated.