I want to apologize to Meph for a string of errors that led to the permanent delete of his second attempt at an introduction.
The thread was moved to the Intro area. In my infinite wisdom, I inadvertently deleted the thread by deleting my post, which was out of order, and post #1. Turns out, it deletes the whole thing
(Side note -- yup the site is a pretty stable atmosphere, not a lot of thread change-ups required

LSS, his first post was too long for the site filter, and the second post was deleted accidentally by me after a noble attempt by another mod to move it. To have a third introduction should come from us...
Welcome to EM!
(from what I remember)...
Meph has a Classic 1989 Toyota Celica GT-S. It has the twin-cam, 2.0L engine rated at ~140 after mods.
Checkout his ride
The engine turns at 3200 at 100 km/h (60 MPH) or 2500 at 80 km/h.
Questions included the best cruise speed, and how to overall improve FE.
Welcome Meph! (and many apologies for the mixup).
then I responded...