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Old 02-14-2010, 03:42 PM   #21 (permalink)
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oldscoob - '87 subaru wagon gl/dr
90 day: 47.06 mpg (US)
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1.3 liters...
wow. fuel mileage should be excellent.
26 is half the mileage, something obvious is gonna jump at you...just look around.
at idle if fuel/air feeder isn't whistling, you got vacuum problem. start there.
if it is erratic and a part time whislte (faster than a vacuum guage can capture), check fuel lines and pump too, errors could be a simple as the wrong type of fuel tank cap.

sounds like fun. I am travelled out myself, but it is something to take with you, and no one else can have it, no matter how you write it.

when at 50mpg, and car is casual in the fast lane..it is like conquering the world.

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Old 02-14-2010, 06:02 PM   #22 (permalink)
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CBR300R - '15 Honda CBR300R non-abs
90 day: 71.33 mpg (US)
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I appreciate the words of encouragement. I am sure the problem is probably very obvious to someone accustomed to finding these issues. This is the first car I have owned that did not have a warranty in 8 or 9 years. The car sounds rough at idle, all speeds really. There is a lot of vibrations from the engine. It is leaking or burning or something about a quart of oil per tank of gas. I get popping noises while accelerating through low speed turns, only while accelerating and happens both directions. Not sure if that is cv's or cat or what. It also pops out of 2nd if I do not hold it back when disengaging clutch/increasing throttle.

I know the basic principles and parts of an engine but am not well versed in diagnosing problems, I simply do not have the practice. I am having some issues getting paid with a recent transition that happened with who pays me. Once they get their stuff together and pay me what I was due 2 weeks ago, I plan on going through and checking out all of the suggestions people have given me here.

I am not intimidated by it, just lacking funds and knowledge at the time. Thus me being here for the knowledge while the funds are worked out in their time . Thanks again to everyone.
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Old 02-16-2010, 12:54 PM   #23 (permalink)
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CBR300R - '15 Honda CBR300R non-abs
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Finally got some decent weather to work with. Had to go pick up a spark plug socket that fit and rented what I thought was a compression test kit. Got home and pulled the plugs, 1 of the wires' metal leads stuck onto a plug, and realized the lady gave me a fuel pressure test kit . Decided to replace the fuel filter in the mean time and realized I need some new hoses. Waiting on a ride to go swap out the test kit and get new hoses and spark plug wires. I will post results of compression test once I am done.
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Old 02-16-2010, 03:59 PM   #24 (permalink)
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CBR300R - '15 Honda CBR300R non-abs
90 day: 71.33 mpg (US)
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Well I think I completed the compression test. I am not sure that I was doing it correctly. It was quite difficult to get the tester threaded in tightly with the small area the spark plugs go into. If the cylinders were numbered 1-4 from left to right while standing in front of the car looking at the engine then I got:


None of them were even close to the 200+ recommended, though 3 were above the 156 minimum. I noticed while I was under the car that the oil pan seal is leaking all the way across. Since it is obvious I should replace the gasket, is there anything else I should do while I have it pulled apart? I have never tackled a project quite this serious. New gasket and some sealant, anything else that I need to buy for this?
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Old 02-16-2010, 09:34 PM   #25 (permalink)
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For the oil pan, don't use a gasket. Just use RTV Silicone. There is a little plate between engine and trans that needs removed, and then drop all the oil pan bolts. Clean it up, lay a nice bead of RTV around the pan and install.

For the compression issue, you need to get stainless steel exhaust valves and head bolts from 3Tech Performance and pick up a head gasket kit with valve stem seals, timing belt, oil, and a filter. Then you need to visit either metroshultz or me or another mechanic nearby for a head rebuild. You may want to consider getting rings and doing the bottom end also.

Good luck!

GeoMetroforum.com - got mpg?
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Old 02-17-2010, 12:53 AM   #26 (permalink)
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CBR300R - '15 Honda CBR300R non-abs
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That's what I was afraid of. Well what better way to get to know my car than to rebuild it eh? Good to know about the oil pan, thanks. I guess I will start gathering parts now.
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Old 02-28-2010, 07:52 PM   #27 (permalink)
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CBR300R - '15 Honda CBR300R non-abs
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Trying to get my parts together for this rebuild. 3tech is not going to be able to help me out since I do not have the DOHC or the 3 cylinder. How many valves do I need? 4 exhaust? 4 intake? Just the exhaust ones? TIA
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Old 03-01-2010, 12:59 AM   #28 (permalink)
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CBR300R - '15 Honda CBR300R non-abs
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Went ahead and ordered 4 exh and 4 intake. Got the gasket kit, piston rings, timing belt, oil filter + oil. Having trouble finding the bolts. Anything else I am missing?

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