By installing the a hid system in a halogen designed lamp, you will increase the GLARE not increase the useable light.
THe basic issue is the hot spot on the bulb.
The reflective pieces inside the lamp (chromed) are designed SPECIFICLY for the halogen bulb. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE (REALLY) to successfully install an hid lighting system into a halogen lamp.
Can it be done.....ABSOLUTELY. 1. illegally and 2. see above.
Yes, there are thousands of Plug n play kits on the internet. That doesnt mean that they correctly reflect the light.
Go to and spend a couple of hours reading up.
Here is how an hid light should look. There HAS to be a cutoff.
there is no cutoff inside your lamp. (for starters......let's not even discuss the glare to oncoming drivers.)
just to givr you an idea.
Here is an HID fog projector designed for an hid systerm.
THe bulb, while in 'correctly' is not perfectly centered inside the housing. thus the is 'some glare' above the cutoff.
All that glare is shoot up and at oncoming drivers.
this is that same lamp corrected with very slight adjustments
(ignore that it is higher on the wall. adjustments have to be made while the assembly is uot of the car)