Originally Posted by dcb
Sorry, eco, I don't understand your comment, your graph doesn't seem to go negative.
re: code, since you have a scope, I would simply display the injHIus value on the guino while scoping a couple injector pulses and compare the injHIus per half second duty cycle with what you calculate from the scope, and see how far off it is.
You might want to sample some other pulses at the high end of the pressure gauge/rpm scale to see how small that gap might get.
OK I have got some data to check the injector signal - scoped the injector at a range of rpms and noted the raw data (us). Note that this is all with no load, simply revving the engine at standstill.
This is what I got -
rpm [guino (us)] [scope pulse width (us)]
800 398000 10700
1800 260000 9500
2500 191000 9500
3000 91000 11000
The guino appears to be timing between pulses as it drops with rpm.
Also tried to look at the fuel pressure.

The red line is fuel pressure, which rises from 1.3V at idle to 1.8V at 2800rpm (again no load) so that's around 400bar.
Interesting that blips can be seen in the fuel pressure signal, which I reckon are shock waves from the injector suddenly opening and closing.
On driving today, the pressure signal displayed looks OK and I think it's just the display that's erratic. At idle it's about 6, rising to around 32 at the redline. Often it displays 6 digits like "234567" and flashes back to something more believable.
The MPG is inverted, just as you'd expect from the us figures in my table. Looks like it's reading the us between start of injector pulses, rather than the duration of the pulse? So more accelerator pedal = higher displayed mpg!
On a downhill coast, the mpg increases with speed, so the link with mph works OK.
Mph is very stable.