Originally Posted by wagonman76
I was just curious if anyone has ever successfully done this cheaply, and kept it from freezing? Washer fluid here is $3-$4 a gallon. Last year I used to be able to find deals on it, not anymore.
I've been making my own windshield washer fluid for years. I buy a gallon of distilled water at the supermarket and add "Simple Green" @ 128:1 dilution, e.g. 1-ounce of "Simple Green" for 1-gallon of distilled water. You can't hardly tell it's in there (by looking at it) so I mark the bottle with a 'Magic Marker'...
I use it for 'glass cleaner' in a spray bottle too - works great and makes everything smell like sassafras!
I've never noticed it freezing in my ride(s), but I live in Arizona.
It snows a fews days a year here, but it never gets below 0*Fahrenheit...
Guess I'll pay more attention this winter!