My sister was coming home from a late night out on her birthday.
Around 3:45 A.M coming around a corner, she arrived seconds after a collision between a pickup truck and two cars.
The truck ran through an intersection and slammed into two cars side by side.
The young woman was drunk ( wow ...what a surprise !

and was doing 80+ MPH )
She hit with such force that she killed the girl driving, by going
through the car.
( The drunk got a broken wrist.

When my sister ran to the car, the girl was dead and upside down hanging out of the car. My sister has been trained as a vet tech. and did her best to move the dead girl, not knowing yet if the girl was alive. She then moved the passengers ( one of which became hostile and refused to sit down - later to die from blood loss )
As fate would have it, she was riding with an Iraq war vet that had been trained in situations like this, as well as another vet.
She remained calm and did a great job in this situation, where ordinary people would have passed out or thrown up, though she was quite shaken by it all.
Ok, so now the question : How have all of you prepared yourself for situations like this, and what kind of advice would you give for preparing oneself for something like this ?
Take a CPR class, carry blankets in the car , first aid kit ...I have a first aid kit that i carry in the car, but it just consists of band-aids and such.
A lot of you guys put a lot of miles on your cars and surely you have come across situations like this.
Just wondering what advice you can give.
Stay safe everyone . Life is precious.