06-25-2008, 06:44 PM
#1 (permalink)
Dartmouth 2010
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"Hypermiler" pulled over for driving too slow
No offense, but this guy sounds like a tool. 95 is near me and I've also driven on it in maryland, and if there isn't heavy traffic, driving 50 seems to me like asking to get hit. Also, completely disregarding what the police say about safety in order to get a few MPG is not the smartest thing, nor does it make sensible ecodrivers like us look good when he flaunts the law all over the news.
As I always say, safety first, courtesy second, fuel economy third.
Gas prices are soaring and many drivers are looking to save any way they can.
One Maryland motorist is trying to squeeze every bit of milage he can from his hybrid even by changing his driving habits.
But it was exactly that effort that got him pulled over by police on I-95 recently.
It's no secret Glenn Conrad is pumped over the mileage his Honda hybrid gets around town.
"I strive for 70, 70 miles per gallon and if I get 80 miles a gallon or more, I feel really nice about that," said Glenn.
Glenn admits he's what's known as a hypermiler, someone who stretches their car's miles per gallon by changing driving habits.
On the night of June 12th, Glenn was hypermiling on I-95.
"I was just doing what I do. On the down hills the thing would roll up to 65 miles an hour and on the uphill I would punch the gas until it reached 55 miles-an-hour or 50 puttering down the road," Glenn explained.
So imagine his surprise when a Maryland State Trooper pulled him over on his way to BWI airport.
"He asked, Mr. Conrad why are you driving 50 miles-an-hour back there on I-95? I said, I'm saving gas. He said saving gas? I said yea and looked at my readout and said I'm getting 69 miles to the gallon right now," said Glenn.
Instead of mileage the trooper was concerned with motorist safety and issued Glenn a warning for going 50 miles-an-hour, 15 miles-an-hour under the posted speed limit.
"Speed limits aren't just put there just because the state decides what they want. It's because of fuel conservation and the safety of the other motorists and the motorists around you on the highways," said Sgt. Chris Davala of the Maryland State Police.
AAA officials agree and say going too slow is a hazard.
"The optimum speed for saving gas is probably 55 or a little above that right now. The thought that you are saving gas by going 45 or 50 on a high speed road isn't accurate. It's very very very dangerous," said Lon Anderson of AAA MidAtlantic.
As for Glenn Conrad, he says he won't go 50 on the interstate again.
"Oh no. Now I drive 51 on I-95 anyways," said Glenn.
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06-25-2008, 07:00 PM
#2 (permalink)
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I don't think it is that Cut and Dry Ben, but if it was you might not have posted it 
06-25-2008, 07:00 PM
#3 (permalink)
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What is the posted speed limit there? On my drive home half is a 65 mph zone. I'll coast down to 50 if there is nobody behind me. I don't see anything wrong with that. There is no minimum speed limit.
Also, the idea that speed limits are there to conserve fuel is absolute bull.
06-25-2008, 07:02 PM
#4 (permalink)
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The minimum legal speed on most interstates is 40 mph. So he not really breaking the law. I drive 10 under the max all the time so I guess I'm a tool also.  Now if this is a 2 lane highway I guess that's different.
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06-25-2008, 07:07 PM
#5 (permalink)
Dartmouth 2010
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The law regarding minimum speeds is a bit tricky in some states. I don't think maryland has one posted (nj doesn't either), but at least in NJ it is at the discretion of the po po to decide if speed (whether high or low) is dangerous. On a road where people regularly travel 75 I wouldn't put myself in a situation with a speed differential of 25 mph when the driver behind me has no way of knowing that differential until he/she runs up behind me.
I don't think he was nuts for driving 50, per se, but disregarding the police and trying to play coy about the reasons a lot of drivers hate us is only going to spread animosity. 
06-25-2008, 07:17 PM
#6 (permalink)
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Well Glenn is ok in my book. He has a right to use the freeway and drive at or above the minimum speed limit, especially if it was at night and presumably not crowded, and assuming he was in the slow lane. If someone is speeding and causes a crash, well, hopefully they heard it on the news that theres gonna be some slowpokes out there and they better pay attention, so they don't cause a crash.
Nobody should pander to speeders in the name of safety ?!?
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06-25-2008, 07:19 PM
#7 (permalink)
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He was kind of a smarty pants. It depends on traffic and the situation but I guess will just agree to disagree not knowing the area but where do you draw the line. Traffic here regularly travel 80-85 mph. I'm not going to drive 75 just to be in the flow. Almost all highways have a slow lane and a passing lane.The people traveling at these speeds are going to be mad if they have slow down even if it's 70. I don't think there are a lot of accidents because people come up on a 20 mph overtake but I'm sure some one can find some links. I guess it's a good thing I don't drive much 
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06-25-2008, 07:30 PM
#8 (permalink)
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My only point is this: If you're driving enough out of the norm to cause yourself to get pulled over, I think you're doing something wrong.
Certainly, cops aren't infallible in their judgment, but their the ones that have to walk around crash scenes all the time, so I do trust them to make those sorts of decisions.
06-25-2008, 07:31 PM
#9 (permalink)
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You must be joking! Most min. limits here are 45mph on the highway. I hope he turned the ticket over in front of the cop an signed the part to contest!
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06-25-2008, 07:35 PM
#10 (permalink)
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