Originally Posted by redpoint5
Olympics is to determine the best male and female athletes in their respective sports/events. If people are lumped into a single category]
That’s exactly the opposite of what I said
I said to classify folks like wrestling where you may have A-Z ratings, weight and everything else batching you with like members . AKA don’t rank everyone out.
, it will just happen we choose which of those ratings you would cover on TV.
Ignore the male subsets just above where the strongest most able women subsets occur and voila.
More complex and time consuming but that seems to be what we want for some reason.
The strongest women may get grouped in with meh men in the C grade at a specific weight
but those men won’t have any advantage if we measure and classify properly.
Since we seem to lack any ability to say yeah no dude look like a lady with genetic ladies
specing the dude look like a lady to where he falls in strength, size, endurance and stature amongst everyone else should put him in a separate class from the women and it will remove the 52 gender BS from creating competitive advantages to gender swapping.
Men and women have 2 upside down bell curves that have a small overlap, simple testing prior for qualification should keep the vast majority of men and women of competitive stature in separate buckets.
If dude look like a lady lacks endurance, dimensions and strength to legitimately fall into a female letter classification he shouldn’t have an advantage, if he classes out he will be a “wo-man” competing with the other dudes.
You can tell me I’m wrong but I guarantee once you go down the path we’re on outside some sort of societal failure you can never go back for some reason.
So I guess enjoy watching dudes beat up ladies unless you can offer an answer caitored for the PC police they will accept and implement
I wouldn’t hold my breath.