The first modification I made was a previous driver delete and replaced it with a driver who understands DWL, DWB, and P&G. Next I got rid of about 5Lb of dirt, leaves, pine sap, and cigarette tar. (This being after the previous owners parents removed all of the fast-food wrappers and other garbage)
410/11.724 = 34.97 (First tank, mostly city about, 150 miles of highway)
41.something (I did the calculation in my head)
289.1/6.043 = 47.84 (I think maybe i did not top it off enough. Also this was one long trip across my state on a two lane highway)
I installed my scanguage2 soon after this 47mpg tank.
175.9/5.026 = 34.998 (This tank had 1 51mpg trip according to scanguage)
I am guessing fill-up #3 (47mpg) 'stole' a few MPG from tank #4.
Also I must note that while going down the highway at 50mph according to the GPS, my speedometer reads around 51.5mph, so 52/50 = 1.04, so up to a 4% discrepancy in the gas-stations favour. I am still happy that I was able to go from one side of the state to the other for ~18$ USD.
Next I took off those warn out wind-shield wipers and applied rain-x. So far I have not drove in the rain, so I am keeping the wipers in the back in case I regret this idea.
That same day I removed the antenna base (which was broken when I bought the car), and screwed the antenna directly into the cord. They are not the same size threads, but due to the antenna fitting snugly between the metal roof and the ceiling upholstery; the connection is firm. I went from 1-2 FM channels to 9-10 FM channels. Two birds 1 screwdriver! I covered the open hole with 'the toughest tape on planet earth'. Maybe I will upgrade it someday with that shiny metal tape you use for fixing heating systems.
I than added a killswitch by disconnecting my Camshaft sensor and putting a toggle switch in the dash 'change holder'. Push it in and the engine can start, pull it out and the engine stalls.

Both the switch and the speaker wire I used were items I had on hand, so no cost.
I than drove 120 miles in a hilly region. Scanguage read 42MPG, but; it turns itself off when the engine stalls and is not factoring that in, I am not sure where the settings are to change that, can someone tell me? I want it to just read infinity when the engine is off. The key is still in the run position I do not understand why it is not working like I thought it would. I have not yet filled up.
Next I took the right side mirror off. I went to Walmart in search of something made out of black plastic... Bingo; I found a trash can with a nice looking finish. ($3.18)
I cut the piece out and slowly cut more away until it fit more or less 'well'. I should of left a bit more material on the aft bottom corner. I could have re-cut it, but I want to save the other flat side of plastic for other things that may come up. (Maybe left mirror?)

I actually do not think I will remove the driver mirror due to the fact that the nice looking suction cup rear-view mirror I would replace it with would cost 15$-20$ and that would only save me ~6 gallons of gas per 10,000 miles.

(My goal is to save money and reduce wear on my car, not reach the top 50 best hypermilers list.)
Today I filled my tires to 50PSI, and removed the wind-shield spray nozzles. and covered them with more black tape.
I have not drove it after removing the passenger mirror, although I am super tempted to take it on a Sunday drive, although that kind of defeats the purpose.
27EPA (24 city, 32 highway) to ~38-40

, so far I think I am doing well.
I would appreciate a pointer on how to get my SG2 to keep track of FE even when the camshaft sensor is disconnecting.
P.S. My check engine light is on; something tells me that it thinks the Camshaft Sensor Is dying on me or something.