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Old 06-16-2013, 02:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Somtimes I get frustrated.

As the title says, sometimes I get a little frustrated with being a hypermiler.

There's lots of jokes made at my expense because of it. Mockery at saving "that little drop of fuel," or driving "too slow." It really bothers me because my eco-driving philosophy is not truly that different from "normal people."

I don't engine-off coast (except to my parking spot at my girlfriend's house and a particularly long hill on I-5), I drive at or close to the posted speed limits (55-58 through 55-65 zones), and I try very hard to coast and time lights without overly inconveniencing others. I even sacrifice longer DFCO coasts up the offramp to my house so that I don't make the average "speed-up-until-I-get-to-the-light-that-I-have-to-brake-for" driver have a massive hemorrhage. Even so, I beat The 2009 Yaris average on Fuelly by close to 10 MPG, and even keep up with the Prius.
Right now I'm pulling a 47.2 MPG tank, which could turn out to be both my best ever and make my first goal of exceeding 500 miles on a fill-up.

What do I get for that?
"I don't get all gay about driving."
"Do you have to drive so slow?"
"I get like 30MPG, I'm not gonna worry over how I drive; I don't have time."

That last one is said by my dad, who drives a 2011 Yaris sedan with an automatic transmission; my parents bought the same make and model after making fun of me for how "gay" my practical car is, and mocking me for trading in my paid-off truck to get a loan on a car.
The car literally paid for itself and saved me $111 over and above car payments + fuel expenses + increased insurance.

I guess my frustration is also influenced by what I said regarding the Mythbusters episode on hypermiling:

"Thanks for perpetuating the stereotype that hypermilers are saving gas by being socially awkward and oblivious."
"Thanks for perpetuating the stereotype that hypermilers save gas at the total expense of normality."

It just gets frustrating sometimes, you know?


P.S. My girlfriend (very soon to be fiance) enjoys hypermiling as much as I do, and gets excited about it with me. Guess that's why she's soon to be my fiance, eh?

EDIT P.P.S. How does hypermiling have anything to do with being "gay," and why does "gay" have such a negative connotation?

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Last edited by Flakbadger; 06-16-2013 at 02:30 PM..
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Old 06-16-2013, 02:30 PM   #2 (permalink)
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If your significant other loves hypermiling then you are ahead of me. I get the same attitude from some, but there is a small minority who truly understand, just not quite as dedicated as myself.

I drive much the same way, so as to not inconvenience others, with the exception being the occasional Moron from Mars who gets an extended glide treatment when he-she just won't pass me when the left lane is clear for a mile. Tailgaters get the full monty treatment until they get the idea that I don't like them taking away my emergency manoeuver options.

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Old 06-16-2013, 02:32 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Dude. Don't let it get you. Don't give others the power over you to make you feel bad. F Them. If you are trying to be responsible and hypermile, then you are doing it right. I have a natural cloaking device, its called a Buick. No one expects me to drive the posted limit, so its easier for me. Just keep you head up and your right foot on the pedal as gently as you can.
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Old 06-16-2013, 03:11 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Well, at least you have someone to share it with. I hear a few smart remarks from co-workers, but nothing really negative. On the road, I try not to impede traffic, but I have no sympathy for someone who wants to do 50 in a 35. And I really have no sympathy for anyone trying to pass everyone in the right lane of the highway and come up on my 60 mph a$$.

As for hypermiling making me sexually attracted to other men...I haven't noticed so far. And I thought maybe that insult was finally dying out

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Old 06-16-2013, 03:40 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I over-inflated the tires on my Prelude and drove fifty-five on the freeway, even after they raised the speed limit to 65, but that was mostly unintentional.

It was my first car and I had not yet learned that car tires always look a little flat. When you make them look "inflated," they wear out quickly.

My car did not drive well above fifty-five, so I stayed there. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I also tried pulse-and-glide for a while, but did not notice an improvement, although I needed to replace my new clutch.

Someone saw that my tread was separating, so I replaced my tires, but continued driving fifty-five for several years. I always found it to be strange, people would discuss how much they sped, I mentioned how I drove, and a perfectly-civilized conversation (about breaking the law and endangering self and others) became very hostile.

Why were people sitting at a table angry that I drove "slow?"

I would understand if I got between them and a red light (well, no, but still...), but it did not make sense that they would become irate over a hypothetical situation.

Regarding people recognizing the merits of maintaining a paid-off car, well, at least they have some rational reasoning. My parents convinced me to get a credit card to purchase school books in 2,000 and I did not pay that balance until I joined the Army in 2,008 and received a sign-on bonus.

I wish that I had just worked and saved up. My credit card balance only grew.

While I was in college, whenever I had spare money, I always made an extra credit card payment.

People kept telling me to put money in a savings account. I am pretty sure that I could have done better than my current
Rate: 0.01% APY
[no wonder that was difficult to find!], but I think that the best that I ever saw at a credit union was 0.75%, while my credit card was at 25%.

I could not explain how math worked. They just kept telling me that I needed to put money in a savings account.
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Old 06-16-2013, 04:46 PM   #6 (permalink)
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It's my hobby! You don't have a hobby? Come on!

I thought I was driving eco friiendly for ages. Engine-off coasing, anticipating the lights, etc. And it did bring reasonable FE, but not beyond. Could not believe those people that actually got better FE than listed, as mine with all my care was right on the mark and never changed. Apart from one holiday trip that gave me a stunning 20% extra distance on a tank.
Then it dawned to me that maybe, just maybe, overspeeding the limit just enough to not get caught was not the best way to save fuel.
So I slowed down and after some getting accustomed to, became happy with following the semis. Suddenly my Nissan went 25% further on a tank.
My wife lost her job, and the Nissan had issues (nearing 300k km). I did some research on automotive costs and went for the Insight. Another 25% FE increase on top of that (initially, now way beyond!)

Now I'm very keen on anything that might enhance my fuel economy, taking small steps at at time, but taking them nonetheless. And I challenge all that want to hear about it (or are still in jeopardy on the subject) to join the effort. It has to be said, many people do listen and have a rethink.
But those who even slightly try to suggest this all being a bit awkward get it in the face: This is my hobby! I do as I like, with good reason. My hobby pays for itself. What's your hobby, then?
Nobody has challenged me beyond that yet

Before this my commute was a nuisance. Now it is a feat of accomplishment. I really enjoy seeing the consumption go down as the engine gets warm and I seat nicely behind a semi with the right speed, at a safe distance of course. Sure it takes a few minutes more, but those are spent listening to my favourite music in an environment with low noise (at least, substantially lower than when speeding) so I arrive relaxed rather than stressed, like I used to.

I'm slightly biased though as I suffer from tinnitus. As I write this my ears ring at approx. 35 dB, just below normal level of speak. Slowing down obviously reduces that effect. But where I am now, even if that were gone it would not change my ways.
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.

For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.
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Old 06-16-2013, 05:09 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Thank you everyone for the replies. It's nice to hear voices of reason rather than mockery. I'm not going to stop hypermiling because nobody else understands it, I just wish sometimes that I wasn't looked at like I'm crazy.

I commonly "pass myself" for other drivers who tailgate me on the highway, temporarily switching to the center lane so they can accelerate and brake behind the next driver. I must admit it's tempting at times to stand on the brake pedal and collect the insurance money, but it's easier to just let them by.

I find it saves me a lot of stress to drive better than everyone else (that sounds conceited but it's how I feel!). Maintaining a space cushion, looking far ahead and striving to maintain situational awareness has a dozen benefits, not the least of which is fuel economy. It's important to note that it also benefits by keeping me alive, which in turn allows me to continue hypermiling.

The circle of hypermiling?

As a tiny note, I too suffer from tinnitus, thanks to frequent ear infections as a kid. It sucks. Mine's not super loud (don't recall the dB's, I was tested ~15 years ago), but it does tend to interfere with sleeping sometimes.

Anyway, thanks everyone. Maybe we're all crazy together.
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Old 06-16-2013, 05:38 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Well, just in case:


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Old 06-16-2013, 07:15 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Flakbadger, we will happily mock you, just give us the chance!

PressEnter[], I wondered what bizarreness you were unleashing upon us until I clicked "Play."

Good song!

I am going to find that bumper sticker thread and update...
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Old 06-16-2013, 09:00 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Most people are not driven by logic and facts. Presenting factual arguments to such people can result in frustration and strained eyeballs (from rolling them too much). Remember, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink... this wise saying spawned another version "You can lead a Republican to knowledge but you can't make him think."... motorist can substitute for Republican as well.

I think about the most you can do is present the facts once or maybe more then let the chips fall where they may.


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