Originally Posted by kennybobby
Like 85-90-95-100%. The FI controller goes open loop based upon the TPS going to WOT--is that when the scangauge reads 100% ?
It doesn't seem possible that 45mph ss would be 50% load does it? The throttle is just slightly cracked open at that condition.
Correct, 45mph is slightly cracked open, just above idle (~4.0 is idle, 45mph for me is 6.6 and WOT is ~14.4).
The load isn't the max ability of the engine (mine being ~117hp), but the max HP @ the given RPM (~1500 in my case).
I don't watch my TPS readings, but I'm pretty sure I never go past 25% open, but I keep my RPM as low as possible with the auto trans.