I spent some time thinking about the 130-Club.
*whatever the all-up race weight of truck is,with you inside,divide that by 13.336 to get your required horsepower,to get you 130 mph in one mile.
*If you're gonna start with 130,then you need to select an H-rated tire,so we can get a circumference.
*The surface velocity of the tread (11,400 feet/per minute),divided by the circumference will tell you your axle rpm.
*We need the engine's redline rpm.
*At redline,whatever your top transmission gear is,it's ratio will determine the output shaft/driveshaft rpm.
*between the driveshaft rpm and the axle rpm,this will determine your quick-change ring and pinion ratio to have you at redline as you exit the one-mile trap at 130.
*If you're gonna turn around and try for the 150,we've gotta start all over.
- you'll need V-rated tires and their circumference.
- the tires will be spinning at 13,200 surface feet per minute.
- with the new circumference we can calculate the axle rpm.
- the engine,again,will be at redline rpm.
- top gear will establish the driveshaft rpm.
- From this you can select your ring and pinion.
*I don't know what horsepower is needed for 13,200 FPM in 10,560-feet.
*the rolling resistance for V-rated tires is higher than for H-rated,so we'd need some more horsepower just for these tires.
*aerodynamic power required will be 33% higher.
* If you're going for 'time' you can streamline all you want.
* If you're going for a record,you'll be severely limited on aero,and will have to make it up with more horsepower.
*If we had the horsepower and total race weight for the 150-mph
Karmann Ghia LSR car,we'd have a power-to-weight ratio necessary for 150 in the 2-mile!