Originally Posted by Frank Lee
LaPointe? Check.
Acetone? Check.
Vizard? Check.
Has all the earmarks of The Unicorn Zone. Dun Dun Dunnnnnn!
Well, Frank, you missed my acetone explanation above. That goes hand in hand with LaPointe, anyway. I challenge your 3 Check Marks, it should be 2 at most
Seriously, though... Do you think acetone is just a "placebo" effect? I had wondered about that, since I had experienced diminishing results (lust like "Louie" said) after not using it. In other words, the next tank would be "almost as good" and the tank after would be a little less, and about the 3rd tank of no acetone would be back near, or at baseline. Double-Blind testing and A-B-A comparisons are really needed, I agree. But I got a really good repeatable result.
I'll check your "Unicorn Corral" for acetone info. Bet I can find something there?
This looks like a really FUN PLACE!