It might do better for most people's needs on this forum if it was US$85.10 instead of 1.580,00 €.
I tried really hard to get what the cutter tool is without looking at
the English page and failed. Then I looked at
the English page and all it says is:
Z-AXIS (3)
(3)Length of the cutting wire
so I don't feel so bad.
The part of the process I'd be concerned about is that the stacked sections of foam leave as much as √2x the thickness of the section undefined. The uncertainty is less in flat areas and greatest at creased edges. Would you stack thinner sheets in areas that need definition, or embed a wire along the crown of the crease? A localized cut and fill, where you shave material, mix it in a [differently colored] matrix and refill it into the low spots would give you an average surface. ...and create less dust. A correctly averaged surface would show twice as many edges at the original stack.