Originally Posted by jimepting
For sure. I can get up to around 120 mpg on a very perfect day on absolutely flat ground at around 38 MPH. That's my limit. I can't use MIMA since I have an 06. I'm tempted to try some pulse and glide sometime, but I have to do it very carefully so as not to engage assist. Lots of work!
Actually Jim, there is a way for you to turn off ASSIST on demand.
Wire in the Calpod IMA disable switch.
Go to IC.com and do a search for the install procedure. I used it with great success for about 1.5 years before getting MIMA-CL from Mike.
If you go ahead and add the disable switch, you will gain about 5 mpg due to the lack of background charge. Then you can turn on/off ASSIST/REGEN whenever you need it.