Originally Posted by Weather Spotter
So you epoxy the block, let that harden then do a second batch to hold it to the car?
Hi Spotter,
Yes, that's right.
Coat the wood block with pure epoxy and let it soak in. It may need several coats depending on the wood used. I use pine with good success.
After the coating is finished, sand the surface of the wood block with 60 grit to rough up the epoxy, and the frame too.
Make sure the joint is nice and tight before mixing epoxy. You want good adhesion over a large area.
Then mix up the epoxy paste and apply.
As for the block location, pick a spot that will not collect water. No standing water on any of the blocks. Taper the edges of the blocks to encourage good water drainage. It's usually the details that makes a great project, so sweat the small stuff and your results will be very satisfactory.
Where the fastener goes into the block, make sure that this surface is facing towards the ground. Again, prevent water intrusion into the drilled faster hole.
The panels will get lots of water, so their construction will be a whole other matter. Just make sure the blocks dry quickly after getting wet.