...how do YOU read this? When I GOOGLED on MaxiTrip, I was sent to this URL:
...and, (???)the 5th down "product" listed was this item:
"Scan Gauge 3-in-1" with the text "Scan Gauge 3-in-1 Automotive Computer. SCAN GAUGE II FOR VEHICLES BUILT AFTER 1996. Scan Gauge II by Linear-Logic is a 3-in-1 Automotive Computer. It functions as at Trip Computer, MPG Gauge and a..."
...kinda makes you wonder if *they're* the
actual manufacturer of the SG/SGII for
Linear-Logic here in Arizona?
...according to the website, their address is: Rm404, Unit A, Tower Ninth, Zhujiang Xujing Area, Banxuegang Rd., Longgang, Shenzhen 518129, China., Shenzhen, Guangdon, China; Phone: 86-755-61216348 - Fax: 86-755-61216911
...try pronouncing all that without a mistake?!!?